
Below you will find a summary of this week’s teaching, along with daily prayer prompts. You can also download a printable version of the daily prompts.

  • Tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit where we make utterances with our lips and the Holy Spirit gives it meaning. It is one way the Spirit prays through us, and one of the most powerful tools God has given us in prayer.

    Two ways tongues is expressed in the New Testament:

    1. Supernatural translation of the gospel into various languages all at once. (Acts 2:1-12)

    2. Speaking in unknown languages, where the Spirit gives meaning. (1 Cor. 14)

    Two ways the expression of speaking in unknown spiritual languages (tongues) is addressed in the New Testament (1 Cor 14):

    1. Corporate Prayer - When speaking in tongues corporately, there is a need for the gift of interpretation. A corporate word of tongues will make sense and edify the rest of the congregation when it is followed by an interpretation that everyone can understand.

    2. Private Prayer - The gift of tongues is for personal edification. As we pray in the spirit, we connect with the heart of God and are drawn into an encounter with His Spirit. This can take various forms and, like any kind of prayer, can happen anywhere, anytime, including in a church service.

    Why pray in tongues?

    All of God's gifts are good and for the good of His children. When we pray in tongues our hearts are yielded to the Spirit of God. By praying mysteries, we can more effectively pray for things beyond our own understanding (Romans 8:26-27).

    How do I pray in tongues?

    Like any gift of the Spirit, speaking in tongues requires active participation from the speaker. God does not take control of our body, but partners with the believer as he/she speaks out in faith. Sometimes you might experience a prompting from the Holy Spirit, other times we feel nothing, begin speaking out, and then there is a confirmation in our heart that God is present and working. Sometimes this comes by the laying on of hands (Acts 19) other times the Spirit falls on a meeting of believers (Acts 10:46).

    For everyone, growing in our understanding of tongues requires practice in a space where we are safe to be uncomfortable, and builds into a way of life. There is no pressure when it comes to the gifts of the Spirit, and God gently works in our hearts in unique ways. 

    If you want to receive the gift of tongues, you could begin with a prayer like this:

    "God, I want to partner with you for all that you have in your heart for me. Thank you for the good gifts that you give to your children, and thank you for helping me in my weakness. I ask for your Spirit to speak through me as I pray in faith, believing that your Spirit lives inside of me and prays on my behalf. Thank you for the gift of tongues. Thank you for your presence in my life."

  • Each day this week, follow the prompt that best matches your personal experience with tongues. We will be active as we activate our prayer life this week. You could take a prayer walk in your community, around the block, around your house, or move around the room as you pray if you are able to. Try to take at least 20-30 minutes each day to repeat the prompts below.

    If you have never prayed in tongues before:

    1. Begin your prayer time with a prayer like the one above. 

    2. Stay focused on the Holy Spirit's presence inside of you. 

    3. Make a conscious effort to dismiss distractions and to quiet your thoughts. 

    4. Take time throughout your prayer walk to practice praying in a spiritual language. 

    5. Ask God to reveal in your heart what is on His heart, and listen for what He might be speaking.

    6. Be willing to go wherever the spirit is leading you today in your prayer time.

    7. Don't worry if you still don't feel comfortable praying in tongues. Use this time to express your thoughts to God and to ask Him how He would have you pray today.

    If you have recently started praying in tongues, or pray in tongues regularly:

    1. Begin by asking God what is on His heart and how He would have you pray today.

    2. Stay focused on the Holy Spirit's presence inside of you.

    3. Make a conscious effort to dismiss distractions and to quiet your thoughts. 

    4. Begin praying in the Spirit as you feel led.

    5. Take time to listen for what God is speaking to you.

    6. Be willing to go wherever the spirit is leading you today in your prayer time.

    • Find a consistent time and place to set aside 20-30 minutes daily.

    • Print out the prayer prompts and Scriptures.

    • Invite family or roommates to join in, or find your own quiet space without distractions.

    • Put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” and put it in the other room.

    • The prompts provided here are just a guide. Feel free to adjust and adapt during your prayer time.

    • Don’t worry if you miss one day. Just pick it up again the next day and keep going!



