
  • Kids Ministry

    The heart of Imagine Kids Ministry is to empower children to know who they are in Christ and to hear God’s voice for themselves, as we believe there is no junior Holy Spirit! Our mission is to train and equip the little saints to be led by the Holy Spirit and walk in the supernatural power of God on a daily basis. We do this through:

    • Teaching the meat of God’s word in bite-sized portions

    • Equipping them with hands-on teaching and practical lessons

    • Creating an atmosphere to experience the presence of God

    For more info visit our Kids Ministry page.

  • Worship Team

    The centre of Imagine Church is Jesus Christ. We gather around Him, and stewarding His presence is our main objective. Seeking His face, hearing His voice, and being led by His Spirit are what we live for. Our worship team is made of many instruments and voices, as well as dancers and artists who love to express adoration and devotion through creativity, songs both new and old, movement and art. We were made in the image of the One who created all things, so our creativity expresses our identity as redeemed sons and daughters of God.

    We love to flow prophetically in spontaneous songs that capture the sounds of heaven, singing of who God is and partnering with what is in His heart for us.

    “When you meet together, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs as you praise the Lord with all your heart.” Ephesians 5:19

    For more info visit our Worship Team page.

  • Production Team

    Our production team is made up of amazing men and women who make us sound and look our best! We could not do what we do well without them. They are the worshippers who help create the atmosphere that hosts the presence of God in our gatherings. The various roles are sound, lighting, video capture and lyric display for our services. If you would like to join this incredible team, click here.

  • Young Adults

    Our Young Adults are a passionate, sold-out group of Jesus lovers who prioritize worship as a lifestyle and the pursuit of knowing their God-given identity over everything. They gather in homes every other week to eat together, worship, and grow in relationship and community with one another. For more info click here.

  • Women's Ministry

    Our Women’s Ministry has several gatherings throughout the year that foster fun and healthy community and create safe spaces for conversation, encouragement and care for one another.

    One of our favourite evenings is our Women’s Hope Night. At this quarterly evening gathering, we gather to lift our voices in beautiful worship and hear from various powerful women in our community. Their stories of Hope cause our spirits and faith levels to rise, and we are continually strengthened and encouraged!

    We also have a Mama and Me group for young mums and their babes to gather monthly in homes across the city.

    For more info click here and visit our events page for more details.

  • Men's Ministry

    We have a vibrant community of men at Imagine who love to gather around food and Jesus. Our men’s breakfasts are highly regarded as a great time of building relationships with one another as well as growing in faith and wisdom. Click here for more info and visit our events page for details on our next event.

  • Host Team

    Our Host Team helps to create the welcoming vibe, from parking assistance and greeting people at the doors to providing info to our guests. They also assist with the setup and clean up of our shared space at the CDC.

    If you would like to join our Host Team click here.

  • Alpha Program

    The Alpha Program runs for 11 weeks each semester, and we have seen dozens of lives touched and transformed since we began hosting this mid-week study. It runs on Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm at Imagine Church. The evening starts with a delicious dinner followed by live music, coffee, and dessert. The impactful Alpha video is followed by discussion and prayer around tables.

    If you would like to serve during the 11-week program, click here. To register for our next Alpha program, visit the events page or keep up to date by signing up for our weekly email newsletter.

  • Calgary Dream Centre

    We are honoured to serve the Calgary Dream Centre as they bring dignity, health and wholeness to the men in program. There are many ways to volunteer time and finances to support the initiatives of the CDC. We encourage you to see how you can serve this amazing organization as the hands and feet of Jesus to the lost and broken. Click here or visit for more info.