
Listening (Silent) Prayer
Silence is counter-cultural. It can be uncomfortable, so we often avoid it! But it is in silence that we discipline and sensitize ourselves to hear the “still small voice” of the Lord. Our silent, listening prayers can be our most powerful encounters with God.

Prayers of Petition
We are invited to bring our petitions and requests before the Lord—what a privilege! Pastor Stephanie unpacked some keys in rightly approaching the Father with our requests.

Prayers of Praise & Thanksgiving
This week, we’ve provided 6 different ways to exercise prayers of thanksgiving and praise. Choose a new one to try each day—you might get through all 6 this week, or you might want to repeat some of them! We learn to pray… by praying!

The Lord’s Prayer
This week, we will be praying through the Lord’s prayer each day, with a simple request: “Lord teach us how to pray.”

Growing in Our Understanding of Prayer
This Sunday, we introduced some different types of prayer that we will be teaching on in the weeks to come.

Establishing a Rhythm of Prayer
This Sunday, the teaching centered around two questions: What is prayer? Why do we pray?